Thursday, January 22, 2015

Remote Image Hosting


Bennett Truck Explosion

Sadly Alicia never made it our planned date - now I know why she was so paranoid and scared


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2Walnut Creek

Building Inspector Attack

Sadly Alicia never made it our planned date - now I know why she was so paranoid and scared


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2Walnut Creek

Lombardi Stops

Sadly Alicia never made it our planned date - now I know why she was so paranoid and scared


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2Walnut Creek

Walnut Creek Explosion

Sadly Alicia never made it our planned date - now I know why she was so paranoid and scared


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2Walnut Creek

Trailer Accident - Stone Valley Road

Sadly Alicia never made it our planned date - now I know why she was so paranoid and scared


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2Walnut Creek

The Play Structure Meeting Driscoll and Bennett meet

Sadly Alicia never made it our planned date - now I know why she was so paranoid and scared


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2Walnut Creek

PG and E Explosion

Sadly Alicia never made it our planned date - now I know why she was so paranoid and scared


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2Walnut Creek


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bootstrap Modals Information Nav/Pops/Directories


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You can activate a Twitter Bootstrap modal window by clicking on the button or link without writing any JavaScript code via data attributes. Set data-toggle="modal" on a controller element, like a button or an anchor, along with a data-target="#myModal" or href="#myModal" to target a specific modal box.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

HTML Ampersand Character Codes

HTML Ampersand Character Codes

These are character sequences that may appear in HTML documents; they represent sometimes useful symbols that are not part of the standard ASCII set or that would be difficult or impossible to type otherwise (e.g. the less-than sign, which would always be mistaken for the beginning of an HTML tag). Case is signinficant.

The content of this table has been throughly tested.
If the character that appears in the first column does not fit the description in the third column,
your browser has a screw loose.

"Double quote
&Ampersand ("and" sign)
un-linebreak-able space
¡Upside-down !
¢Cent sign (c crossed out)
£Pound sign: the currency symbol
not the tic-tac-toe telephone symbol, which is incorrectly called "pound".
¤circle with dashes at NE, SE, SW, and NW
¥Y crossed out
¦Vertical line, maybe with gap in middle
§Section sign (like hurricane symbol on weather maps)
¨Two dots up in the air
©Copyright sign (C in a circle)
ªlower case "a" up in the air
«Two small less-than signs: the German open-quote
¬Not sign from classical logic
­"Soft" hyphen: a dash
®Registered sign (R in a circle)
¯Macron (horizontal line up in the air)
°Degree sign
±Plus-or-minus sign
²2 up in the air
³3 up in the air
´Little dash pointing to North-East
µMicro sign, lower case Greek Mu
Paragraph sign (mirror image capital P with two legs and a black eye)
·Decimal Point (English style, mid-level)
¸Small sickle shape, low down
¹1 up in the air
ºlower case "o" up in the air
»Two small greater-than signs: the German close-quote
¼One quarter
½One half
¾Three quarters
¿Upside-down ?
×Times sign: narrow x without serifs
÷Division sign: a colon : with a dash through it
ÐOld English voiced "Th", "D" with dash through upright
ðOld Englished voiced "th": bendy "d" with dash through tail
ÞOld English unvoiced "Th": "P" but loop has slipped down
þOld English unvoiced "th": smaller version of the above
Æ"A" and "E" in a ligature, as in ENCYCLOPAEDIA
æ"a" and "e" in a ligature, as in "encyclopaedia"
Œ"O" and "E" in a ligature, as in MANOEUVRE
œ"o" and "e" in a ligature, as in "manoeuvre"
Å"A" with a little circle above: Angstrom sign
Ø"O" with diagonal line through: Empty set sign
Ç"C" with cedilla (sickle shape) underneath
ç"c" with cedilla (sickle shape) underneath
ßGerman "sz" ligature, like a lower case Greek Beta
ÑN with wiggle on top
ñn with wiggle on top

Accents and things

Accents on letters are available in all sorts of (but not every possible) combination.
The accents available are:
  • Acute: little dash on top, pointing to North-East,
  • Grave: little dash on top, pointing to North-West,
  • Circumflex: like a roof on top of the letter,
  • Umlaut: two dots on top, could also be used as a dieresis,
  • Tilde: wiggle on top,
  • Ring: circle on top, touching the letter.
They can appear on capital and lower case versions of A, E, I, O, U, and Y.
Some consonants also have similar marks, but they are listed in the first table.

The HTML "character entities" are made by combining four elements:
  1. an ampersand "&",
  2. the letter to be accented, either capital or lower case,
  3. the abbreviation for the desired accent:
    Acute=acute, Grave=grave, Circumflex=circ, Unlaut=uml, Dieresis=uml, Tilde=tilde, Ring=ring
  4. a semicolon ";"
Example: for a capital E with a grave accent use &Egrave;

The following table attempts all the combinations so you can see which work. I have marked with the abbreviation "std" all those that supposed to be there, so you should be able to rely on their presence, but you know what browsers are like.

AacuteÁ std
AgraveÀ std
Acirc  std
Auml Ä std
Atildeà std
Aring Å std
aacuteá std
agraveà std
acirc â std
auml ä std
atildeã std
aring å std
EacuteÉ std
EgraveÈ std
Ecirc Ê std
Euml Ë std
Ering &Ering;
eacuteé std
egraveè std
ecirc ê std
euml ë std
ering &ering;
IacuteÍ std
IgraveÌ std
Icirc Î std
Iuml Ï std
Iring &Iring;
iacuteí std
igraveì std
icirc î std
iuml ï std
iring &iring;
OacuteÓ std
OgraveÒ std
Ocirc Ô std
Ouml Ö std
OtildeÕ std
Oring &Oring;
oacuteó std
ograveò std
ocirc ô std
ouml ö std
otildeõ std
oring &oring;
UacuteÚ std
UgraveÙ std
Ucirc Û std
Uuml Ü std
Uring Ů
uacuteú std
ugraveù std
ucirc û std
uuml ü std
uring ů
YacuteÝ std
Ycirc Ŷ
Yuml Ÿ std
Yring &Yring;
yacuteý std
ycirc ŷ
yuml ÿ std
yring &yring;

Google Drive SDK: Creating Public Folder (from SDK)


Warning! Please visit Page Status Information alert link
Drive SDK documentation

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fusion Tables API Example: Google Chart Tools

query += " WHERE 'victims' = '" + team + "'";

Bootstrap Simplied Images using a Jquery Var


6-4-3 grid example

6 columns on desktop, 4 columns on tablets, 3 columns on phones
